Motivation and concept

Here in those  Parallel Universes of the Mauve Motel, a visitor can find a collection of texts — essays, poetry and various reflections — exchanged by Nicole Brossard and Simon Dumas over the first months they worked on the show Mauve Desert.

A mutual passion for matters of process led to this spontaneous correspondence between Brossard and Dumas. At first, they resumed some of the exercises which the novel’s translator character forces herself to do. This prompted Dumas to launch into a long, personal (re)description of the car, to which Brossard responded with her own conception of the “car” symbol. The texts then shift gears and the authors turn their attention to matters of image, fiction, representation, etc. In short, leading an intergenerational literary exchange about Mauve Desert in particular and creation in general, but also literary forms of expression outside the book.

Decidedly poetic, these exchanges both complement the show and stand alone, since the subjects covered go far beyond the intricacies of theatrical adaptation.


Nicole Brossard and Simon Dumas

Concept and development: Rhizome — Simon Dumas Design: PingPongPing—SimonRivest Programming: HTML-MTL — Sylvain Aubé Navigation: SamanthaBrunet
Editing and revising: Julie Loncin and Ariane Lehoux FILM TEAM
Mélaniewalkinginthedesert: JudithRompré Images: Marco Dubé
Sound recording: Marc Doucet Musicinthedesert: ChantalDumas Assistant: Geneviève Allard

Based on
Nicole Brossard’s Mauve Desert (Coach House Books, 1987)

A Rhizome publication

Yves Doyon : administration
Ariane Lehoux : communications

With support from